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Haven't been here for a while. Many things have evolved, while many other matters have stood still. Still after feasible enough information, confusion still looms. There must be a demon loose somewhere......what if this were true?
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The whole perimeter is steadily evolving, we simply will need to keep-up with the vibes of discerning configuration as best as we can. But this is something that you'll catch-up to later on.


I will imagine that in the course of conversation and travels, that someone more than likely has at one point at least, slipped a magic word right by you and you never even knew it. Perhaps we can make ourselves just a little more alert, roaming around in the literature attached to these posts,......I myself, am going to give it a test drive.


The past ages of tradition have begun to take on an all too familiar twist. It appears that everyone who had ever known the first thing about divination, have started to become concerned about their futures. Especially since otherwise disciplines have begun to manifest and for purposes that almost equate those of the aforementioned caste. This can become a general free-for-all if all the concerned are not careful. This type of scenario needs to be mediated, I think that somehow, we can manage the task.


Many of us now in these times of uncertainty have begun from only a short while ago, to see and observe the very type of happenings that were said to be in our futures by way of THE ANTIQUITIES. Many of us now have been able to acquire some of the traits and wonders, that these writings have in some ways mentioned. It could be stated now, that a new breed of magician has emerged in light of the interpreted PROPHESIES. This to some, is good news,...This to others, is bad news. The shame of the whole occurrence is that it has begun to play-out vividly in the 'scheme of law'. This, from within my opinion will broaden the social schism, then turn completely around and narrow it for a time. If I am not mistaken, this too has been prophesied. Many intra-social circumstances are now quite evident. Many of us trying to find our true lineage and purpose in this life. All this while the EARTH too, has begun to change and respond to events foretold, and events of the past.